A Prologue of Discontent and Mistrust
The dynamics of the Space Race, Urban Renewal, meaningful Civil Rights reform, and resurgence of extreme national pride succumbed to the depravity of the antithesis of the Kennedy quote “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. We have degenerated into a nation of ‘panhandlers’ qualifying for, and demanding, undeserved and apparently unrestricted entitlements based on race, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation and other self defined and empowering special interest foci.
The historic mismanagement and obvious shortcomings in the implementation of our foreign policy reflect heavily on the United States ability to effectively cope with the state of the world in the 21st Century. Significantly critical international issues since the 1960s have defied any/all attempts by the United States to provide effective resolutions of those issues. Today we are faced with issues which are an outgrowth of not only the United States but also the international community’s historic inability to effectively assess and counter similar type threats posed by those issues.
National Economy
The current level of national debt $17.8 trillion equates to a personal debt of $55,694 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. …The President, Congress and presidential cabinet only dynamic actions have been to ask the American public to pick up the tab for their inept management of our national economy. Similarly, our national leaders in their problem solving inertia ignore the consequences of a drug infested nation as well as concentrated cells of Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists. Then the question remains, who and what are our national leaders supporting and why have they acted contrary to the good will and benefit of America.
Illegal Immigration
NOTE: …Illegal immigration within the past 60 yrs has increased to an intolerable level in terms of volume and motivation. Historically, the illegal immigrants were focused almost exclusively escaping poverty and oppression. However, in recent years a new focus for illegal immigration arose to include drug trafficking and terrorists infiltration into the United States. Understandably, the poverty based illegals, have debilitating impacts on our national economy, the US employment market, and our national health. However, terrorists with the tools and motivation focused on destruction of America have easy access to the United States using the illegal immigrant border crossing permissiveness to infiltrate our borders undetected.
Individual Rights
President Truman’s hallmark 1948 Executive Order 9981 , President Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964, Congressional passage of the Voters Rights Act 1965, , President Johnson’s Executive Order 11246…
These essential Civil Rights initiative have turned into open-ended special privileges and priority treatment / consideration for individuals and groups falling within the politically correct expanded definition of minorities. Unfortunately, the definition of minorities has expanded far beyond logic and reason stretching to include self defined special interests groups focused on disrupting the social order of the United States and based on nebulous justifications for civil rights considerations.
Questionable Counsels and Questions
It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from his government. ~Thomas Paine
The Preamble to the Bill of Rights signifies the importance our founders placed on controlling the powers of government wherein: The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
Restore America – Continuum 1 – Protreptic Continuity – National Security and Defense
Secretary of Defense (SoD) Hagel opined :
“ We are gambling that our military will not be required to respond to multiple major contingencies at the same time”. When asked what the risk would be in respect to force reductions, a senior Department of Defense official said:
“If the force is smaller , there’s less margin for error. Lets face it things are uncertain out there.” The absolute absurdity of “If the force is smaller , there’s less margin for error….” defies logic. In today’s world, smaller forces, as projected by President Obama’s out year budgets (2015-2019) will be inadequate to meet the multitude of threats and challenges to our security at home and abroad.
Restore America – Continuum 1 – Protreptic Continuity – Prologue
The November 6, 2014 mid-term election presented the opportunity for American citizens to exercise their right to vote and send a firm message to federal, state and local officials demanding government reform and redefinition. However, two-thirds (100 million) of the registered voters did not show up at the polls. That two-thirds of the eligible registered voters, most probably filled with apathy, distrust of government, feelings of unresolvable futility, and apparently resigned to the idea that their singular vote was about as significant as adding another grain of sand to the Sahara. The no-shows sent a strong signal to our representatives that the majority of American voters feel disenfranchised and are not a significant threat to their political agenda or longevity.
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Restore America – Continuum 1 – Protreptic Continuity – National Security and Defense
Secretary of Defense (SoD) Hagel opined :
“ We are gambling that our military will not be required to respond to multiple major contingencies at the same time”. When asked what the risk would be in respect to force reductions, a senior Department of Defense official said:
“If the force is smaller , there’s less margin for error. Lets face it things are uncertain out there.” The absolute absurdity of “If the force is smaller , there’s less margin for error….” defies logic. In today’s world, smaller forces, as projected by President Obama’s out year budgets (2015-2019) will be inadequate to meet the multitude of threats and challenges to our security at home and abroad.
Restore America – Continuum 1 – Protreptic Continuity – Prologue
The November 6, 2014 mid-term election presented the opportunity for American citizens to exercise their right to vote and send a firm message to federal, state and local officials demanding government reform and redefinition. However, two-thirds (100 million) of the registered voters did not show up at the polls. That two-thirds of the eligible registered voters, most probably filled with apathy, distrust of government, feelings of unresolvable futility, and apparently resigned to the idea that their singular vote was about as significant as adding another grain of sand to the Sahara. The no-shows sent a strong signal to our representatives that the majority of American voters feel disenfranchised and are not a significant threat to their political agenda or longevity.
Restore America – Questionable Counsels and Questions
Restore America (Exercising my 1st Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech) QUESTIONABLE COUNSELS AND QUESTIONS It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from his overnment Thomas Paine Thomas Paine, along with the founding fathers and framers...
Restore America – Individual Rights
Restore America (Exercising my 1st Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech) INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was Founded C.L. De Montesquieu Civil rights in the minds of most Americans...
Restore America – Illegal Immigration
Restore America (Exercising my 1st Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech) ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION _______________________________________________ NOTE: While illegal immigration has been a long standing problem for the United States, the significance of that problem has...