Restore America
(Exercising my 1st Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech)
It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from his overnment Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine, along with the founding fathers and framers of the United States Constitution recognized the necessity to prevent government from being the masters, instead of the servants, of the people. As such they framed our Bill of Rights to include the rights, means and the responsibility of citizens to ensure that governments do not compromise or abrogate those rights.
The Preamble to the Bill of Rights signifies the importance our founders placed on controlling the powers of government wherein:
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
However, the United States government today defies the construct of that preamble wherein the powers assumed by government transgress against the basic principles of the rights of its citizens. While the preceding text of Restore America focuses on apparent gross mismanagement and incompetence in dealing with national and international issues; the base concern is the unequivocal manifestation and implementation of policies contrary to the best interests of the United States and its citizens.
The fallacies of governmental policies, while obvious to laymen, appear to be beyond the ken of our elected officials and their associated counsels and advisors. Empirical data, economic advisors and counsels, foreign policy institutes, military advisor expertise and constituent concerns are all available and readily offered to help guide our elected officials in their legislative processes. Yet despite the counsel of experts and concerns of constituents our elected officials appear to unfailingly opt for politically expedient parochial programs which enhance their political standing rather than serve the best interests of America.
In most instances, as depicted within the preceding 5 sections to Restore America, the legislative processes seem to favor the least effective and most destructive options to “resolve” problems. Essentially, they try to fix things that aren’t broken only to ensure that the repairs render the object dysfunctional. Their intransigent legislative myopia in general is the precursor to the continued and unabated debilitation of the American economy, national security and the rights of the American citizen.
Since it appears evident that our national leaders do not respond or legislate for the benefit of their country or constituents, it is imperative that the voting public express their dissatisfaction with, and objections to, non representative members of Congress and as applicable the President of the United States. In this respect then the foremost tool available to the citizens to control government, within compliance with our Constitution’s Bill of Rights, is the vote. The vote in itself is the singular essential tool which gives us, the American citizens, the power to reshape the legislative philosophies of government as well as the power to control and restrict the excesses of government.
Unfortunately, through the post war (WW II) era of affluence, the American citizen complacency and lack of concern with government operations, compromised their vote either through convenient political party “locked vote” or failure to cast a ballot. That complacency fostered the understanding that elected officials were no longer obligated to represent the assured “locked vote” block or the non voter and opened the door for government misconstruction and the abuse of its powers.
In today’s 21Century state of economic depression and instability, unemployment and underemployment as well as world wide threats of devastating aggression against the United States – the vote is the essential factor in establishing a dynamic and effective governmental trend reversal. Further it is well past time for the American citizen to demand answers from their elected officials as to why they allowed, supported and/or fostered national legislation which were detrimental to the economic and security well being of America and the American citizen.
Essentially, our elected officials, past and present, must be held accountable to their constituents in respect to WHY:
– has Congress as the authority over immigration allowed decades of willful violations of United States Immigration laws and through their procrastination, denial of essential budgets to secure our borders and enable effective border patrol illegal immigration deterrence and prevention – in effect aided and abetted illegal infiltration across out borders; and
– has Congress as the authority over immigration provided the program funding to enable illegal immigrants to receive social services, welfare, extraordinary educational subsidies and other benefits not readily available to economically repressed working class American citizens; and
– has Congress as the authority over immigration allowed the illegal immigrants to take American employment positions when our national unemployment and underemployment is at critical levels especially since original INS laws defined it as a felony for employment of illegal aliens; and
– has Congress as the authority over immigration deferred to President Obama for resolution of the 2014 surge of illegal immigrant youth across our borders since the presidents immigration responsibilities are vested in the realm of refugees; and
– has Congress procrastinated and deferred action on “Fair Trade” activities to eliminate the unfair practices of foreign hosts of American industries and foreign manufacturers as experienced through the provisions of VAT and price inflating tariffs on American exports; and
– does Congress authorize extremely restrictive budgets for the military while lavishing extraordinary budget increases for social services, welfare and illegal immigration budgets; and
– does the President, his cabinet and Congress mandate crippling reductions of military personnel and equipments when the existing forces are marginally capable of decisive response to a major war scenario; and
– did the president mandate the Affordable Health Care program knowing its economic impact on the national budget (and attendant deficits), on individual family affordability and on American worker employability; and
– did Congress approve the Affordable Health Care program not knowing the content or provisions of the program while also being cuationed as to the excessve costs and negative impacts on tthe American economy, and
– does Congress, the president and the Presidential cabinet assume the ultimate responsibility for mandating lose-lose military stratgies when our forces are committed to combat operation – especially when being fully advised that the mandated strategies are ineffective in countering the existing insurgancies (every military deployment since Korea with the excetion of Granada); and
– has President Obama opned the door for entry of Ebola exposed individuals into the United States when knowing the potential for the otential for spread of the virus to pandemic levels. The test case in Texas (and possibly the latest case in NYC) revealed the potential for rapid wide spread exposure potential of thie Ebola virus; and
– have President Obama and his cabinet authorized the deployment of United States military personnel into the Ebola infested West Africa area without authorizing and mandating full virus protection clothing and equipment; and
– the perpetuation of lies, obfuscations and credible denial which deprive the American citizen the to know when the results of those confidentialities may have or do have a direct negative impact on Ameican citizens, economy and rights as well as any potential negative impact on foreign policy/international relations; and
– the list of essential unanswered/unresolved questions continues to grow ad infinitum.
And ou as concrned Ameican citizens,tapayers and voters – as the employers of the bureacratic elements of govenment deserve answers to your concerns as petitioners of the government for redress of grievances (1st Ammendment rights ) wherein the grievances are the loss of representative, responsive and responsible government’
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this artlcie.
You always do the right thing. God Bless you.
Thank you